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Become Catholic

"...God brought me to the Catholic Church."


-- Nate Jung

I was baptized Catholic and grew up in what I would call a “culturally Catholic” environment. My grandmother would have nuns over to play cards, and my family would sporadically attend church. However, we went to Mass less and less as I grew older. Ultimately, I was not confirmed Catholic, and faith was not a part of my life for decades.


In hindsight, I recognize this time away from the Church as a necessary part of my faith journey. I believe that God opens different doors for everyone. In my case, I needed to live with the feeling that something was missing, or misaligned, to find my way to my faith. In my 20s and my 30s, I struggled with the feeling that I was unaccountably incomplete. Nothing in my life, objectively, could explain this feeling – I found great satisfaction in my work, in my personal relationships, and eventually, in my loving marriage and in fatherhood. However, my heart could not seem to trust its place in the world.


What I thought was emptiness turned out to be a well. I came to realize my deep need to show my gratitude and to grow my trust in the goodness of creation. Through these impulses, God brought me to the Catholic Church. At Holy Apostles I was able to explore my faith with people who joyfully guided my spiritual development. Through weekly come-and-sees I was able to enter people’s homes and talk with them about Christ. Through the Alpha program I was able to discuss deep questions about life with my wife, and through the Alpha retreat, we were able to commune with others. And finally, through family discipleship, I was able to see my children grow in their faith in a community setting. When I was blessedly able to take my first communion alongside my son, and to see my daughter at her first reconciliation, I finally felt at home in the world in ways that I wish for everyone.


"Having an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ was what I was yearning for and I found Him in the Catholic Church."


-- Courtney Missurelli

My very first experience with Catholicism was attending the adoration chapel at Holy Apostles in 2021. My whole life, I grew up with a lot of anti-Catholic lies. I was very nervous just entering a Catholic church but I was yearning to know who God really was. For years I had been searching and I just wanted to know the truth. The farther I looked, the closer I got to the Catholic Church.


Attending Mass was so scary to me, so I thought going to an adoration chapel would help and it did! Attending adoration softened my heart and led me to attend my very first Mass at Holy Apostles and I was blown away! I felt like I was missing something my whole life. Like I wasn’t getting the “whole story” about why we are all here and what is the purpose of life. That first Mass had awoken my soul and I felt like I needed to learn more. I immediately contacted Holy Apostles to start RCIA. The “Come and See” sessions helped me to understand who Jesus is and learn how to foster a relationship with Him. Having an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ was what I was yearning for and I found Him in the Catholic Church. The more I learned about God and how much He loves us, the more I wanted to participate in the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist.


As I continued through RCIA, I knew that I was home. This was the path that God led me to and I am so grateful that I heeded His call. I attended Mass regularly. Just being at Mass was awe-inspiring. Being able to celebrate Mass with all the saints in Heaven at the same time was jaw dropping. I was longing to receive Jesus in the Eucharist. RCIA helped me to fulfill this longing. In April 2022, I was received into the full communion of the Catholic church and it was glorious! I am ever so grateful for Holy Apostles in helping me to know Jesus Christ and to come into full communion with His Church, but coming into full communion isn’t the end of my journey, it’s just the beginning! I am excited to be a disciple of Christ and am eager to accept the joys and challenges that it brings.


"I started Holy Apostles' RCIA process, which included “Come and See” sessions. There I was able to connect with people that lived in joy-filled relationships with God."


-- Tom Bailey

My wife and I started attending Catholic Mass at Holy Apostles in 2018. I observed her take communion and be transformed. I longed for what she had with God. So, I started to learn more about the Catholic Faith. I knew that I was holding back from God and was scared of what a true deep relationship could mean. I would have to stop hiding my true self, and I didn’t know if I was ready to acknowledge my sins to my wife and ask for forgiveness. My fear ruled me. I ended up getting caught in my addictions by my wife. This was a painful yet freeing experience. One that still holds wounds that God is healing today. During this time, I started HA’s RCIA process, which included “Come and See” sessions. There I was able to connect with people that lived in joy-filled relationships with God. They shared their experiences freely and were truly genuine. Witnessing this instilled the desire to draw closer to God even more. As they walked alongside me, I learned more about God and the amazing relationship I could experience with Him through the sacraments.


This is when I finally was able to experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I went into it so fearful and came out feeling so free. I found healing in the sacraments in finally accepting God’s forgiveness and not having to care about what people thought about me. Only caring about what God thinks about me. It truly changed my life. I still struggle with fear of people’s perceptions of me from time to time, but I am no longer living a double life in shame and fear. God has truly freed me and is continually healing my brokenness when I bring it to Him. My relationship with God has valleys and peaks, but He is present and has loved me through all of it. I am still a sinner with wounds that God is healing and in need of His mercy daily. Allowing God to truly know me and sharing that relationship that I have found with Him with others is part of who God has called me to be.


God wants to know you deeply and He wants your relationships with others to mirror that. There is definitely pain and hurt that comes with living in the light. There are consequences when we sin, but there is also joy and freedom in giving them to God. I choose joy and freedom in Christ.


Read Tom's full testimony here.


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“I realized, through my small group, that God longs to be with us, to love on us, and to be loved in return.”


-- Heather Borchardt

The Discipleship Small Group, "Encounter Christ," was a game changer for me, and my husband, Tim. Our marriage was strengthened and steered back on course, and our household became a bit more peaceful and directed. It has become easier to set priorities. Learning the habits of discipleship and living them has given me a new perspective on life, a clearer picture of where God is calling me.


As we dove into scripture and explored how Jesus may be calling each of us at this moment, I began to discover a more personal Jesus. I found myself seeking him more and more every day. My prayer habit was evolving from a timed 15 minutes to sometimes close to an hour.


I realized, through small group, that God longs to be with us, to love on us, and to be loved in return. My greatest discovery was that no love is meant to be a one-way street. The most fulfillment in a loving relationship of any kind (including our relationship with God) is when both participate in the exchange of love. It is a mystery to me how God can gain anything from me, but if He can, how could I deny that time for him.


And so my prayer time is my most treasured time of the day. It is sacred. It brings my day into focus. It eases my anxiety. It reminds me that I am not in control. And as I release that control, I feel free. This is the hat I long to never take off.


I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I now know that I don’t need the answer. I just need to trust Jesus and surrender to his will for my life. And I know that I will always have my fellow disciples to continue to walk the journey.


We know that young adults bring a unique perspective to their faith. Whether you are looking to connect with a faith community because you are hoping to meet new people or to explore your faith through social, small group or other prayer experiences, we can help connect you!


Upcoming Events:

​March 9th - Making and Serving Breakfast at the Hope center in Waukesha followed by going to mass together. 


For more information, contact Amy Kallenberger at


Season Three of "The Chosen"

The Chosen is a beautiful series depicting the life of Jesus through the eyes of those who knew Him. Last year we showed Season One of the series and are now moving into Season Two. Please join us on Wednesdays, beginning January 8th at 6:30 pm in the Welcome Center. We will gather for eight weeks, watching one episode per evening coupled with a conversation. The last night will be February 26th. All are welcome.

Light snacks will be provided, and you are welcome to bring one to share. There is no registration, and you do not have to commit to every week. For more information, contact Carol Garces,


Youth Adoration

Please join us for Holy Apostles Praise and Worship, Youth Adoration.

All are Welcome! Please join us for YOUTH ADORATION from 6:30-7:30 P.M. in the church.

This is an opportunity for youths and their families to come together for a time of prayer and worship.


Mark your calendar for the remaining dates:

May 7, 2025, 6:30-7:30- 7:30 Hospitality to follow




ALPHA is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each session focuses on a different question and is designed to create conversation.  ALPHA is an experience that is hosted all around the world, and everyone is welcome to experience it right here with us at Holy Apostles!


Click here to learn more about ALPHA! 


Who comes to ALPHA?

Alpha is for people of all ages and different places in their faith journey. It is for someone looking to begin or restore a relationship with Jesus. It is for people looking to get back to basics and experience personal growth. It is for people who have questions about the meaning of life, God, and the deepest stirrings of our hearts.


What should you expect at an ALPHA session? 

We start each session with a yummy meal, where you can relax and share about your day. Then, there's a video -- usually around 25 minutes long, that explores the big questions in life and unpacks the basics of Christianity. Next up is the most important part of ALPHA --- the discussion. There’s no obligation to say anything. And there’s nothing you can’t say. It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly, and open environment. 



Will food be provided?  Yes, a meal will be provided at each session. 

Will childcare be provided?  Yes, childcare will be provided during each session by the school's Extended Care childcare team.  A meal for the children will also be provided. 

What if I can't make all 11 weeks?  No problem.  Come to as many as you can but, please still register so we can get a proper count for food.

Is Alpha right for me?  Absolutely!  Alpha provides something for everyone, regardless of where you are in your faith journey. 

What if I've participated already?  We'd love to have you back.  Invite a friend or family member to share the experience with them. Or, you are welcome to join an Alpha ministry like table host, hospitality, MC, tech support, photography, or childcare.



Please contact Chris Denardis at

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Do you wonder what it would be like to meet Jesus and really get to know him?


A Discipleship Small Group is a series of weekly gatherings where you are guided in ways to know Christ and make Christ known. This group is for believers seeking to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus and our community. You will learn to listen with your heart and respond to Jesus speaking to you personally.


Each gathering includes prayer, pondering the Word of God in Spirit-led dialogue, and sharing how the practice of habits to get closer to Jesus has impacted your life.


Groups of 8--12 people meet weekly for 90 minutes. We are currently running in-person Discipleship Small Groups, and you can join at any time. 






Men Applying Scripture

Gather with men of all ages to discuss the upcoming Sunday scripture readings and how the Word of God can be applied to your daily life. LEARN MORE


Sons of the Father

Come together for faith-based presentations geared specifically for men. LEARN MORE


Sunday Scripture Study

Gather with men and women to listen to and reflect upon the scripture readings for the upcoming weekend. LEARN MORE

Become Catholic


Becoming a Catholic is a joyful experience! It is a journey where we gradually discover God’s love for us.  We can start this journey at any time. The key is to begin to hear God’s voice and respond to it.


If you are unbaptized, we welcome you to this journey. If you are baptized in another Christian Church, we welcome you to explore the journey of being received into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church that includes Confirmation & Eucharist. At whatever point you are in your journey, we're glad you're here!


If you are an adult Catholic seeking to be confirmed, we welcome you to this spiritual journey. We invite you to learn more about the process through which God and the community of Holy Apostles welcome or reconnect you with the Catholic Church.  This faith and discipleship journey is guided by the Holy Spirit through our parish community.  It is a personal journey in which you will grow as a Catholic disciple of Jesus Christ in our community.


To learn more about how Holy Apostles can be part of your faith journey, please contact Jenny Bruders at (262) 422-9463.

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Lectio Divina: A Sacred Prayer Practice

Come and Join us! Every first Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 am in the Welcome Center

"Lectio Divina," or "sacred reading," describes a way of praying with the Scriptures, taking us from the mind to the heart, from words to silence. It is a journey inward, an invitation to encounter God in a deeply personal and transformative way. Lectio Divina involves four steps:


1. Lectio (Reading): We begin by reading the Word of God slowly and reflectively, allowing it to settle deeply into our hearts. Reading a passage several times helps it sink in. Any Scripture can be used for Lectio Divina, though the daily Gospel is often recommended.


2. Meditatio (Reflection): In this step, we meditate on the passage, considering its meaning and seeking to understand God’s message for us. Here, we reflect on how the passage speaks to us personally, noticing any words or phrases that draw our attention. A commentary can be helpful to deepen our understanding as we ponder its significance for our lives.


3. Oratio (Response): Now we set aside our thoughts and let our hearts respond to God. This is a spontaneous prayer, a heart-to-heart conversation with God that flows from our meditation. Moving from the intellectual to the heartfelt, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable before God, responding with honesty and love.


4. Contemplatio (Rest): Finally, we let go of thoughts, words, and images to simply rest in God’s presence. Here, we listen with the depths of our being to the gentle voice of God within us. As we rest, God’s Spirit quietly works within, transforming us over time. This transformation touches every part of our lives, shaping how we live and how we love.


These stages of Lectio Divina are not rigid rules but gentle guidelines. The prayer naturally moves toward simplicity, with fewer words and more listening. Over time, the words of Scripture fade into a deeper experience of God’s Word, alive and revealed to the eyes of our hearts. The length of each stage depends on where the heart is led, making Lectio Divina a flexible practice. It can become a source of daily spiritual nourishment, drawing us into silence and intimacy with God.


For those who love silence, Lectio Divina can be a rich, hour-long experience. Practiced daily, it offers a path to growing in relationship with Christ, where Scripture becomes a living, guiding force within us.


Join us for a date night with your spouse to deepen and enrich your marriage. We begin with our regular Saturday evening Mass at 4:30pm followed by happy hour, dinner, talk, and discussion with your spouse and other married couples at the tables. The cost is $45 per couple. Childcare and meal for the children are provided.

Upcoming Schedule​


April 27

4:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Holy Apostles

We will start with our regular Saturday evening Mass at 4:30 pm followed by happy hour, childcare and dinner for the children, adult dinner and a talk by Jenny & Jim Bruders.

Discussion with your spouse and other couples will follow.

We encourage you to make this a date night to enrich and strengthen your marriage.  The cost is $45 per couple for the evening.  

Childcare will be provided starting at 5:30 pm with dinner for the children in Lofy Hall.  

Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Saturday: 4:30 PM

Sunday:  8:00 AM  / 10:00 AM

Tuesday - Thursday: 7:45 AM

Friday: 8:30 AM (School Mass)


Monday -- Thursday: 9:00 AM -- 4:00 PM

Friday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM


School Hours: 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM

School Office: 7:45 AM - 4:00 PM

Summer Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 1:30 PM*

*School Office is closed in July.


Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 PM or by appointment

Welcome Center: Timothy Conference Room

Monday - Thursday: 6:00 AM -- 8:00 PM

Friday: 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Open as well: Friday: 3:00 - 8:00 pm, 

Saturday - Sunday 6:00 am - 8:00 pm, for silent prayer but no blessed sacrament will be present in the Adoration Chapel.

Parish Address
16000 W. National Ave
New Berlin, WI 53151
School Address
3875 South 159th St.
New Berlin, WI 53151
(262) 786-7330 (Parish)
(262) 786-7331 (School)

Pastoral Emergency #
(262) 754-0163
Stay Connected
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Sign up for our weekly parish emails 
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© Holy Apostles Catholic Parish and School

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