The Sunday Experience

Music Ministry
Share musical talents during Mass through choir, cantoring, and instrumental groups.

Prayer Network
Prays for those requesting prayer in our Parish Book of Prayer and for requests received at the parish. Invited to pray daily for those names written in our Parish Book of Prayer and for those who have written them.

Eucharistic Minister
Distributes the Body or Blood of Christ at weekend and holy day liturgies. Initial and ongoing training is provided. Twice a month.

Greeter and Usher
Welcomes those who come to pray, distributes prayer sheets, assists in finding seating as needed, gathers the collection and brings it to the altar, directs the communion procession, provides assistance as needed, distributes bulletins, and ensures the church is ready for the next service. Members can identify what tasks they are comfortable performing. Serves twice a month on average.

Video Ministry
Operates video and recording equipment for weekends, Holy day liturgies, funerals, and weddings.
Middle school and older.
Training is provided.

Sacristy Cleaner
Cleans and prepares the worship space for weekend liturgies and/or washes and presses the liturgical linens used for worship. Serves 3-4 times a year.

Prepares and proclaims scripture and the prayers of the faithful at weekend and holy day liturgies. Attends a yearly training session to develop skills to proclaim the Word of God and not just read. Serves every 5 weeks.

Arrives 30 minutes before weekend and holy day liturgies to prepare for the celebration of Eucharist, e.g. candles, hosts, wine, chalice, communion cups, lectionary, sacramentary, purificators, water cruet. Also coordinates servers and cleans up after each liturgy. Initial and ongoing training is provided. Serves 1-2 times a month.

Hospitality Ministry
Prepares and serves for the hospitality gatherings following weekend Masses, takes places every 1st and 3rd weekend of the month!

Art and Environment
Enhances our worship space for the various liturgical seasons, i.e. Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Ordinary Time. Meets seasonally for planning and for several hours to set up a new environment and for several hours to take it down at the end of a season.

Mass Server
Fifth grade and older girls and boys serve at weekend and holy day liturgies. Serves once a month.